Thursday, June 13, 2013

Work on your garden while working out your body

There are so many ideas I have for this blog that I’m finding it hard to figure out where to start. I guess a good place to start out is by talking about some of my favorite things to grow in my garden and cook with. I’ll also highlight some of the reasons that you should grow some of your own food in your garden.

I’m a big advocate for growing your own herbs. Growing your own herbs is handy, your herbs will be close by when you need them and (more than likely) you won’t run out. Not only is growing your own herbs fun and easy, but it’s also one way to save some money at the market. Cooking with fresh herbs also provides more flavors and is more nutritious than dried store bought herbs. Furthermore, working in the garden is also a fun way to get your workout done.

Fresh basil is one of those herbs that I could never have too much of. Not only is basil (at least in my opinion) one of the easiest herbs to grow, but it is also one type of herb that I use in my cooking almost every single day. Although it’s a little more challenging than basil is to grow, parsley and oregano are two more of my favorite herbs.    

Growing your own vegetables and herbs also provides mental and physical benefits. Work on your garden while working out your body. When planning and working in your garden you’re exercising your mind as well as your body. While working in the garden it’s easy to break a sweat, which means you’re also burning calories and working your muscles. Gardening is a nice way to get in your workout without necessarily feeling like you’re doing a workout. When gardening all of your major muscle groups get activated. Think about it… even tasks like sowing your seeds and transplanting seedlings involves squatting, which uses your legs for support, your core muscles for balance, and your arms and shoulders for digging and moving dirt. Planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting are just a few examples of some of the ways that gardening helps add purposeful physical activity to your day. Working in the garden is also a good way to relax, relieve stress, clear your mind, and get a little bit of fresh air and sunshine.

So go ahead and skip going to the gym tonight and get out in the garden instead!


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