Friday, June 28, 2013

Herbal Stimulants and Oregano

Herbal Stimulants and Oregano 

Since my energy level seems to be rapidly depleting the closer we get to 4:30 today, I decided that today’s blog post will feature some of the natural stimulative properties associated with herbs. As an alternative to consuming a variety of different caffeinated beverages to get you through that afternoon ‘slump’ at the office, why not try herbal energy?

I don’t know about you, but I know that as my day progresses my energy level tends to decrease and I find myself consuming a variety of caffeinated products…and as we all know caffeine consumption isn’t the best for your health, especially when consumed in large quantities.

Since my oregano plants really seem to be flourishing this summer, I think I’ll start by adding oregano oil to my daily water consumption. All you have to do is add 1-2 drops of oregano oil to your 8oz glass of water twice a day! (And for an added healing benefit you can add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your oregano infused water. Apple cider vinegar is believed to promote internal healing and have a detoxifying effect.)

Oregano (along with other herbs like sage, peppermint, thyme, lemon balm, clove, allspice and cinnamon) has high concentrations of all-natural antioxidants…and according to some sources, herbs might even be a smarter choice as an all-natural source of dietary antioxidant than other more common foods like fruits, berries, cereals, and even vegetables (Adrian, 2008)!

Oregano is also packed full of Vitamin K, is high in iron, manganese, and other essential minerals, as well as being a natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Who would have guessed that something so easy to grow and so tasty could have so many health benefits associated with it?! Some of the other health benefits liked with oregano consumption include protection from chronic conditions, a boosted immune system, aided digestion, and helping the body detoxify. (Odebunmi, 2011) 

It sounds like when I get home from work tonight I should head out into the garden to cut some fresh oregano and start adding more of it to my daily diet! After all, oregano is still one of my favorite herbs… second to basil of course.  

Adrian. (2008, September 30). The Health Benefits of Oregano. Retrieved June 27, 2013, from Elements 4 Health:

Odebunmi, O. (2011, April 1). What Are the Health Benefits of Wild Oregano? Retrieved June 26, 2013, from Livestrong:


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