Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Welcome :)

Hi Folks!

I figured I should start off by introducing the topic of this blog. Throughout this blog we will be highlighting all kinds of information related to the topics of gardening and cooking. We will discuss a range of gardening topics, cooking tips and tricks, as well as highlight some of the health benefits that are associated with gardening and cooking.

One of the main focuses of this blog will center around the concept of growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs to use in your kitchen. Not only does growing your own produce to use in your cooking provide you with a renewed sense of pride and accomplishment, but you will also have nice fresh herbs and produce to use in your cooking. Cooking with fresh herbs and vegetables also provides a variety of nutritional benefits. Furthermore, there has been a longstanding school of thought advocating that there are also a number of natural remedies associated with the use of fresh vegetables and produce. One of my goals would be for this blog to serve as a platform (of sorts) where we can feel free to exchange information. Being in my late 20’s (and no I’m not telling you my exact age), I’ve noticed that I don’t seem to have as many peers that are growing and cooking their own food as my parents and my grandparents did. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I grew up on a dairy farm, but back then it seemed like a lot more people grew and cooked their own food. Granted people seem to be busier and spend less time at home these days, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up on our gardens and purchase processed fast foods… it just means we need to become more efficient in our gardens and kitchens.

Like many other people in my age group, the majority of my gardening and cooking knowledge has been handed down to me from working side-by-side with my family and community members. These first-hand experiences have been combined with a little bit of research done over the years and a lot of trial and error (which is a forever ongoing process). As more and more families start transitioning to consuming increasingly more amounts of fast foods and processed foods, I feel like we’re (as a generation) losing a lot of the knowledge that has traditionally been passed down over the years. Through this blog I would also like to share some of the gardening and cooking tips that have been passed down to me over the years. I’m also hoping that maybe you will do the same and share with me some of the gardening and cooking tips that have been passed down to you over the years.

So make sure you stop back here frequently to learn everything you need to know to go from the plant to the plate with a little bit of TLC (tender loving care)!

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