Monday, July 29, 2013

Garlic Prep Tips & Consumption Suggestions

Garlic Prep Tips & Consumption Suggestions

How to Maximize the Health Benefits Associated with Garlic Consumption

To maximize garlic's overall health benefits, it is recommended that at least one clove of garlic be consumed per day and that it be crushed at room temperature and then allowed to sit for about 15 minutes prior to consumption; which activates the enzyme reaction required to boost the healthy compounds in garlic.  Anyway that you prefer to consume your garlic you’re sure to be reaping some of the very many health benefits that are said to be associated with garlic consumption. Although, some believe that consuming specific amounts of garlic each day, and through specific methods of consumption, can help you to maximize certain particular health benefits of garlic; some of which include:

  For Upper-Respiratory Problems: Improve breathing and resist or minimize cold and flu germs with garlic. In order to reap these benefits though, you'll need to be consuming garlic regularly, and probably at least one bulb a day
  For Cardiovascular Benefits: The consumption of one clove of garlic per day should be sufficient. (Many people like to simply swallow a whole clove daily.)
  For Colds, Flu, and Sore Throats: Crush or chop a clove of garlic and then place it in a cup of warm water and let it steep for at least 5 minutes before consuming
  While others say to minimize the impacts of a cold: consume half a clove of garlic or two garlic capsules every two hours
  For Fungal Infections, Acne, and Warts: Cut the tip off a clove of garlic or use crushed garlic and rub it directly on the affected area every day until it improves
  To Treat Yeast Infections: Eat several raw cloves (or even an entire raw bulb) of garlic each day
  For Weight Loss: Consume about 900mg per day (about ½ a clove to one whole clove) to act as an appetite suppressant

No matter what method you choose to use for your garlic consumption, your sure to be reaping some of the amazing health benefits associated with garlic consumption; although, many studies suggest that cooking garlic at high temperatures de-actives the most beneficial enzymes naturally found in garlic (cooking garlic at low temperatures is said to be safe, as long as the garlic was lightly crushed, minced, or chopped first). (Also note, studies have shown that cooking garlic in the microwave kills all the enzymes and de-actives garlic's medicinal properties.)

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